Pengantar Transpotasi Dan Logistik
STMT Trisakti
Nama : Muhammad Helmi Farhan
Nim :223415017
D III Manajemen Logistik Dan Material
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data
: Muhammad Helmi Farhan
The Date Of Birth : Jakarta,
31 July 1997
: Islam
Phone : 089604666910
The Acts Of Education
Formal Education:
2012 Until 2015 : SMK Pembangunan
2009 Until 2012 : MTS Raudotul Ulum
2003 Until 2009 : SDN 07
Organizationaz Experience
· 2013 Until 2015 : Osis Smk Pembangunan Jaya (Sekbid :HUMAS )
· 2013 Until 2015 : Karang Taruna RT 12 RW 006
Additional Expertise
· 2013 Until 2015 : Osis Smk Pembangunan Jaya (Sekbid :HUMAS )
· 2013 Until 2015 : Karang Taruna RT 12 RW 006
Additional Expertise
Expertise Computer ( MS Word, Ms Excel, Ms Powerpoint )
Instalasi Computer
(Win XP,7,8,10)
Humanitarian Logistik
Logistics system
management in disaster management is an integrated in the management of goods
disaster management
What Is Disaster Logistic ?
The term logistics disaster it can be said is to terminology
humanitarian logistics or emergency logistics
Humanitarian logistics or emergency logistics
The planning process , storage the variety of goods and
material and information, from the point of origin until to a point the use of
( by the disaster victims ) , for the purpose of meets the needs of users
Needs the following in logistics disaster
1. The determination of the location
2. The determination of the scheme assistance
3. Design distribution network assistance
4. The use of information technology and communication
The Importance Of Logistics Disaster
Threatened survival someone and a group of one who is
undergoing disaster are clearly one of the explanation why logistics disaster
is important
Example Natural Disasters