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Kamis, 25 Mei 2017

Summary Keizen In Coca-Cola Amtil Indonesia

Keizen In Coca Cola

Keizen Theory
Keizen means improvement continous improvement involving everyone in the organization from top management, to manager then supervisor and to workers .
In japan the concept keizen is so deeply engrained in the means of both managers and workers that they often do not even realize the are thinking kaizen as a customer - driven strategy for improvement .
From such perspective , keizen is not only and approach to manufacturing competitiveness but also everybody’s business because it premise is based concept that every person as interst in improvement .
Keizen in the three pillars
the three pillars of kaizen summarized as follows :
1.      Housekeeping
2.      Waste eliminations
3.      Standardization
To be ensured success on activities on those trhee pillars factors have also to be taken account
visual management
the role of the supervisior
The importance of training and creating  learning organization
Another key aspect of kaizen is that it is an on-going, never-ending improvement process. It is not difficult introduce something into an organization the difficult part is who to keep it going and maintain the memontum once it has been introduced . many companies have tired to introduce such projects as quality circle , reengineering and lern production . while some of them have been succesfull .

5S Theory :
5S is the name of workplace organization method that use a list of five Japanese word all staring with collector . the list descrips to organize  a word space for  efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the item news, maintaining positive impression of customers,  increase efficiency an organization . not only while employees feel better about where they work, the effect continous improvement can lead to less waste, better quality and faster load times .  any of which while make your organization more provitable and competitive in the market place .
5S consist of these five step :
1.      Short through and short out .
2.      Standardize and and share information .
3.      Set in order .
4.      suchtain the improvements made .
5.      shine at in inspect through cleaning .

·         Short – ( seiri )
- Separating the wanted and unwanted .
- Junk and waste .
- Repairable .
- Wanted item .
- No use and repair .
- Discard to next step .
The first S focuses eliminating annecessry items from the work place .
An effective visual method to indentify  these unnceeded items to
  Called red tagging a red tag is placed on all item not required to complete their job this items are then moved to central holding area . this process is for evaluation of the red tag items.
Occasionally used items are moved to a more organized storage location outside of the work are while unneeded items are discarded . Sorting is an excellent way to free up valuable floor space and eliminate such things as broken tools, obsolete jigs and fix futures, scrap and excess raw material .
Set In Order ( Seiton)
Is the second of the 5S and focuses on efficient and effective storage methods . Strategies for effective Set In Order are ;
-          Painting Floors,
-          Outlining work areas and location.
-          Shadow Boards and
-          Modular shelving and
-          Cabinets for needed items such as trash cans, brooms, mop and buckets .
Shine ( Seiso )
Once you have elimate the cultter and junk that has been clogging work areas and identified and located the necessary items, the next step is to throughhly clean the work area . daily follow-up cleaning is necessary in order to sustain this improvement . workers take pride in a clean and clutter-free work area and the shine step will help create ownership in the equipment and facility location such as air, oil and coolant leaks, repeat contamination and vibration, broken, fatigue, breakage, and misalignment .  these changes, if left unattended, cloud lead to equipment failure and loss of  production, both add up to impact the company’s buttom line.

Standardize ( Seiketsu )
Once the first three 5S’s have been implemented, should concentrate on standardizing best practice in your work area. Allow employees to participate in the development of such standards. They are a valuable but often overlooked source of information regarding the work .

Sustain ( Shitsuke )
This is by far the most difficult S to implement and achieve. Human nature is to resist change and more than a few organizations have found themselves with a dirty clutterd shop a few months following their attempt to implement 5S . The tendency is to return to the status quo and the comfort zone of the “old way” of doing things . Sustain focuses on defining a new status quo and standard of work place organization .

This 5S system describes how to fill the organization work gap to improve the efficiency and the effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used. Maintaining the areas and items, and sustain according to the new order .
5S consist of these five steps :
-          SEIRI : Short Through and short out .
-          SEITON : Standardize and share information .
-          SEISO : Set In Order .
-          SEIKETSUS : Sustain the improvements made .
-          SHITSUKES : Shine and inspect through cleaning .
Accordingly, coca cola Sri Langka uses this 5S system for few  moths and it started with the big cleaning day, it increased morale of the employees and customers where it can be found through the all behaviors of the company .

Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Sapply Chain Management SEIRYUKA

Nama             : Muhamamad Helmi Farhan
Nim                : 223415017
Mata Kuliah : Supply Chain Managemet


Sapply Chain Management

Sapply Chain Management

Seiryuka is Cells & Machinery easy to relocate
Seiryuka Was a movement of goods from an early place to different locations in a warehouse

A method of goods into two groups
  1. The transfer of goods in many or large instantly
  2. The transfer of goods in the number of small in continuous
  The transfer of goods in many or large instantly
1.              Is driven by human force

 It is powered by machine
Stuff moving by using the machines locomotion , generally this device fitted to the mechanism of a lifter in hidraulic or electric .

The transfer of goods in the number of small in continuous

Conveyor is a system mechanical that serves move goods from one place to another in continue Of some variation
1.      Gravity Conveyor
Gravity Conveyor Movement of goods use the effects of the force of gravity , this system does not require electric power
2.      Motor Conveyor
Motor Conveyor This conveyor using electric motor as a power source

Fork Lift

Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

Southeast Asia's Firts Integrated supply Chain Exhibition & Confrance

Summry Southeast Asia's Firts Integrated supply Chain Exhibition & Confrance
Name : Muhammad Helmi Farhan
Class  : D III Logistic
Nim    : 223415017

Indonesia Marine highway / Tol Laut (commercil route )
The future of indonesia
With services to deliver and pain points to solve
Energy  = Renewable Energy To  Smart Grid To Smart Metering To Gas Distribution
Mobility = Electric Vehicles To Traffic Management  To Mas Public Transport  To Tolls
Public Services =  Public lighting To Education To health careTo Public sefty
Water = Strom Water Management To Water Distribution
Building and homes = Home To Building
The Mega trends Chalenge  
Global Comliant Infrastructure :  
  1. Demographic Trand
  2. Technology Trand
  3. Global Trade & Integration
  4. New Economy
  5. Race &Competition for finite resources 
  6.  Climate Changes
  7. Globalization of finance
  8. Geopolitic Trend
  9. Transformation Global Economy
  10. Urbanization
  11. Rise of a massive middle class

Jumat, 25 November 2016

Summary Seminar Urban Logistics

Nama : Muhammad Helmi Farhan 
Nim    : 223415017
Kelas  : DIII Management Logistics Material 

Sammary Urban Logistics

Part of supplay chain of the flow of goods, the flow of information, and the number of money through a process procuretment, warehousing distribution and delivery services
- 21 st century = strategy supplay chain management and technology

Rabu, 02 November 2016

Air Transportation

                                                   Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data
Name                        : Muhammad Helmi Farhan
The Date Of Birth      : Jakarta, 31 July 1997
Religion                     : Islam
Phone                        : 085717579971
Line                           : Helmay_jr 
 e-Mail               &

 The Acts Of Education

Formal Education:
2015 Until Now        : STMT Trisakti
2012 Until 2015        : SMK Pembangunan Jaya-Yakapi
2011 Until 2012        : MTS Raudotul Ulum
 2009 Until 2011         : Islamic Boarding School Daarul Rahman
2003 Until 2009        : SDN 07

Organizationan Experience

2011 Until Now     : The committee the feast of large islamic mosque Al-Ittihad Pejaten Timur Pasar Mingu
2011                           : The committee zakat mosque Al-Ittihad Pejaten Timur Pasar Mingu
2011                           : Qurban committee mosque Al-Ittihad Pejaten Timur Pasar Mingu
17 Agustus 2011   : Ministry Of Logistic Karang Taruna RT012/006 Pejaten Timur Pasar Mingu
2011 Until 2012     : Member of Karang Taruna Rt 012/006 Pejaten Timur Pasar Mingu
17 Agustus 2012   : Project officer  Karang Taruna RT012/006 Pejaten Timur Pasar Mingu  
2013 Until 2015     : Karang Taruna RT 12 RW 006


2013 Until 2014            : Osis Ministry of Public Relation Smk Pembangunan Jaya
27-28 February 2013  : Basic training leadership
July 2013                        : Scurity Pentas Seni SMK Pembangunan Jaya
Juni 2013                        : Project Officer Eskul  Futsal Smk Pembanguan jaya
2013                                 : Ministry of Public Relation Maulid Nabi          
17 Agustus 2013          : Ministry Of Logistic Karang Taruna RT012/006 Pejaten Timur Pasar Mingu  
Desember 2013          : Project officer Eskul  Futsal Smk Pembanguan Jaya
Desember 2013          : Scurity Pentas Seni SMK Pembangunan Jaya  (EXTERNAL)
Juni 2014                       : Scurity Pentas Seni SMK Pembangunan Jaya  ( INTERNAL)
Juni 2014                       : Project Officer Eskul  Futsal Smk Pembanguan jaya
2014                                : Ministry of Public Relation Maulid Nabi          
17 Agustus 2014         : Ministry Of Logistic Karang Taruna RT012/006 Pejaten Timur Pasar Mingu  
Desember 2014          : Project officer Eskul  Futsal Smk Pembanguan Jaya
Desember 2014          : Scurity Pentas Seni SMK Pembangunan Jaya (EXTERNAL)
2015                                : Project Officer Basic training leadership

Juni 2014                           : Scurity Pentas Se:ni SMK Pembangunan Jaya ( INTERNAL)
Juni 2014                           : Project Officer Eskul  Futsal Smk Pembanguan jaya
2014                                  : Ministry of Public Relation Maulid Nabi         
17 Agustus 2014                : Ministry Of Logistic Karang Taruna RT012/006 Pejaten Timur Pasar Mingu     Desember 2014                 : Project officer Eskul  Futsal Smk Pembanguan Jaya
Desember 2014                  : Scurity Pentas Seni SMK Pembangunan Jaya  (EXTERNAL)
2015                                  : Project Officer Basic training leadership OSIS PRIODE 2015
17-18 September 2016      : Basic Training UKM MATTREC

Additional Expertise
Expertise Computer ( MS Word, Ms Excel, Ms Powerpoint )
Instalasi Computer  (Win XP,7,8,10)


                               Air Trasnportation
Flight in indonesia undergo development which is quite rapid with see the big potential the number of passengers and the amount of airlines
The concept of air transport
Air transportation is any activity by using aircraft to carry passengers , cargo , and post for one travel or more than an airport to the airport another or some airport
(PP No. 40 th 1995 air Transportation).

Activities air transportation consists of
     A.   Air transportation niaga
  1.   Air transportation Not niaga
  2.   Air transportation domestic
  3.   Air trtansportation foreign.

          A. Air transportation niaga         : Garuda, Lion, Air asia
          B. Air transportation not  niaga  : The plane that on rent
          C. Air transportation domestic   : Garuda, Lion, Air asia
          D. Air trtansportation foreign     : Qatar Airways, Emirates, Singapoer                                                    Airline
The types of air transportation
          1 .Airplane
          2 .Helicopter
          3 .Ballooning
Based on its function is to air traffic in for becomes
          Controlled airspace     : Air traffic controller.
          Uncontrolled airspace : Essensial traffic information.

Benefit and shortage
1 .Shorten travel time
2 .Suitable for goods very important , is easily decomposed , and expensive

          Is very much dependent on the weather .
          A loud noise and pollution high .
          The cost of an expensive.

Problems in air transport
  1. The low supervision of an airline in Indonesia
  2. The condition of the plane that is old and unsuitable
  3. The high number of accidents flight in indonesia
  4. aviation safety
  5. Unhealthy competition between an airline

Step created a system of air transportation an effective and efficie

  1. government oversight
  2. Tighten safety
  3. Maintaince Plane

   Transportation the air is transportation most favorite of modern times this , because it could speed up the travel time a journey and ease in the terms of delivery goods , etc .But air transport lacks namely Need big fund for manage services .