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Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Sapply Chain Management SEIRYUKA

Nama             : Muhamamad Helmi Farhan
Nim                : 223415017
Mata Kuliah : Supply Chain Managemet


Sapply Chain Management

Sapply Chain Management

Seiryuka is Cells & Machinery easy to relocate
Seiryuka Was a movement of goods from an early place to different locations in a warehouse

A method of goods into two groups
  1. The transfer of goods in many or large instantly
  2. The transfer of goods in the number of small in continuous
  The transfer of goods in many or large instantly
1.              Is driven by human force

 It is powered by machine
Stuff moving by using the machines locomotion , generally this device fitted to the mechanism of a lifter in hidraulic or electric .

The transfer of goods in the number of small in continuous

Conveyor is a system mechanical that serves move goods from one place to another in continue Of some variation
1.      Gravity Conveyor
Gravity Conveyor Movement of goods use the effects of the force of gravity , this system does not require electric power
2.      Motor Conveyor
Motor Conveyor This conveyor using electric motor as a power source

Fork Lift

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